Saturday, January 21, 2012

Antarctica-My Last Continent

The Polar Plunge

Happy Crabeater seal

Friendly Humpback whale

Conversing Gentoo penguins

I reached a huge goal on January 10, 2012. My feet touched Antarctica! This was my last continent and it is hard to believe that at 40, I was able to reach this goal. On my trip, I met the most interesting people who are following their dreams of travel. I have never met so many people on one trip that have been to so many fabulous, dreamlike places in the world. I felt like the one "less traveled." From boarding the Antarctic Dream, passing the Antarctic Polar Circle with a special kiss, walking with the penguins, admiring the seals and humpback whales, rides on the zodiacs, going in the frigid water in my bikini, meeting new friends, surviving the Drake's Passage- this goes down as my most missed trip. I was in my own mini depression after the trip and I wanted to go back on the boat and be back on the coldest, windiest, driest, highest and most isolated continent in the world. My impression and memory of breaking through the ice patches will be forever on my mind. The bright blue contrast with the white glaciers is unexplainable. Later I will share an iMovie that will show all of the journey, but for now here is a preview.